LS-M3 - Technology Forum: How digital health is changing care delivery for pharmacists and improving public health



Dr Lars-Åke Söderlund (Co-chair FIP Programme Committee, Sweden)
Mr Jaime Acosta-Gomez (FIP Technology Forum, Spain)


The FIP Technology Forum brings together experts from within FIP membership to exchange views on current activities, problem areas, best practices, and more, in technology. It also serves as a networking platform for finding new contacts among fellow pharmacists and allows members to work together on joint projects that bring added value and are aligned with FIP’s Strategic Plan. In this session, participants will learn more about the activities led by FIP Technology Forum as well as be exposed to an array of topics related to digital services in pharmacy, the challenges and benefits of digitisation in pharmacy and the impact on pharmacy education and training.

What is around the corner for digital pharmacy?


12:30 – 12:35           Welcome and introduction by the co-chairs

12:35 – 12:40  

This is the FIP Technology Forum
Dr Lars-Åke Söderlund, Co-chair FIP Programme Committee, Sweden

12:40 – 12:45


The FIP resources on technology
Mr Jaime Acosta-Gomez, FIP Technology Forum, Spain

12:45 – 12:55  

Digital services within the community pharmacy
Mr Paul Fahey, Glenough Consulting Limited, Ireland

12:55 – 13:05  

Benefits of technology in hospital pharmacy
Mr Rob Moss, FIP Hospital Pharmacy Section, Netherlands

13:05 – 13:15  

How will digital health apps change the pharmacist/patient relationship
Dr Claudia Rijcken, Pharmi, Netherlands

13:15 – 13:25  

Is digital education the future?
Prof. Aukje Mantel-Teeuwisse, Utrecht University, Netherlands 

13:25 – 13:35  

Digital science, accelerating medicine discovery 
Prof. Takuya Kumamoto, Hiroshima University, Japan

13:35 – 14:00


Panel discussion – The pharmacist vs. technology – does the pharmacist have a future?



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