Programme overview
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LS - Lunch Session
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Sunday 18 September 2022
08:30- 15:00
Leadership Development Workshop (LDW)
Brussels 1
12.30- 14.00
Pharmacy in Spain
15:00- 17:30
Opening Ceremony
Auditorium CAIXA
17:00- 18:00
Welcome reception
Exhibition area
Monday 19 September 2022
09:00- 10:30
Plenary: Pharmacy united in the recovery of the healthcare system (part 1)
Auditorium CAIXA
10.30- 11.00
Coffee and tea break
11:00- 12:30
Plenary session: Pharmacy united in the recovery of the healthcare system (part 2)
Auditorium CAIXA
12:30- 14:00
Poster viewing and lunch break
12:45- 13:30
12:45- 14:00
Empowering pharmacy-based self-care with health literacy
Auditorium CAIXA
14:00- 15:30
14:00- 16:00
15:31- 16:00
Coffee and tea break
16:00- 17:30
16:00- 17:30
20:00- 22:30
Tuesday 20 September 2022
09:00- 10:30
Plenary session: Leading in times of crisis and beyond
Auditorium CAIXA
10:30- 11:00
Coffee and tea break
11:00- 12:00
11:00- 12:30
12:30- 14:00
Poster viewing and lunch break
12:45- 14:00
Lunch Symposium: Health inclusivity and the role of pharmacy
Auditorium CAIXA
14:00- 15:30
15:30- 16:00
Coffee and tea break
16:00- 17:30
19:30- 23:00
Wednesday 21 September 2022
09:00- 10:30
10:30- 11:00
Coffee and tea break
11:00- 12:30
12.45- 14.00
12:30- 14:00
Poster viewing and lunch break
14:00- 15:30
15:30- 16:00
Coffee and tea break
16:00- 17:30
20:00- 23:00